Tuesday, May 29, 2012

 I have now lost 55 pounds and 19.5 inches off my body. I am very pleased with my progress and I am on my way to my next goal which 75 pounds. I know that I can do it! I have come this far so why stop, now!!!

 Goals are something that you write down and work towards, how many people actually accomplish or get close to there goal? We tend to give up when it becomes apparent that we will not accomplish those goals.

 Quitting is not the solution because when you quit you have already lost. Take it from me losing sucks!

 I tell you somebody that could have quit but did not and that was Abe Lincoln our 16th president of the United States. Abe Lincoln had so much failure and heartache in his life but he never quit! Look at the list below and tell me if you would have given up or not?

    Lost job, 1832

Defeated for legislature, 1832

Failed in business, 1833

Elected to legislature, 1834

Sweetheart (Ann Rutledge) died, 1835

Had nervous breakdown, 1836

Defeated for Speaker, 1838

Defeated for nomination for Congress, 1843

Elected to Congress, 1846

Lost renomination, 1848

Rejected for Land Officer, 1849

Defeated for Senate, 1854

Defeated for nomination for Vice-President, 1856

Again defeated for Senate, 1858

Elected President, 1860

If Abe Lincoln gave up we would have been robbed of one of the greatest presidents that this country has seen or will ever have!

Giving up has always been easy for me but staying focused on my goals and actually achieving those goals has been hard. That’s what I am trying to do and trying to convey to you.

I don’t know what your weight loss goals are or where you are at in your journey in life but never, ever give up!

Find somebody to help you through the tough times a friend, coach, mentor that will be truthful and honest. Give you a kick in the butt when you need it and to give you a pat on the back to say, “Well done”. 

If need a coach you can e-mail me at johnegabel@gmail.com and I would be more than happy to talk to you. We can set a plan just for you.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Dreams and Goals

In our life's journeys we all experience ups and downs or I like to call them "peaks" and "valleys". It is how we deal with valleys that will get us through to see the view from the mountain top. It is a assume view but getting there is not always easy and most of time it can be painful!

 It takes dedicated work to achieve. Not everyone is willing to make the sacrifices needed for the end result.

This can applied to everything we do in life. It is hard to do but can be done with dedication and focus on our goals.

Our dreams are what keeps us going through the tough times so we can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

You might be wondering what this has to do with weight loss but it has everything to do with it. You have to know what you doing this for better health, live longer, feel better, get off your meds, more energy. Whatever your reason is that is what we call your "why". If your why does not make you cry then it is not big enough. If your why is big enough it will get you through the times you want to give up and go home.

I have been losing weight over that last 10.5 weeks and now lost over 30 LBS but there has been times where I want to give up and walk away.

The thing that keeps me going is all the success stories we have in our Herbalife group in Rockiln, CA.

Richard has lost 117 LBS and his wife Lorraine has lost 90 LBS on her way to 100 LBS by March 1, 2012.

You can see just from those 2 examples that these products work. There are just 100's upon 100's of stories like these in Herbalife. Successes varies depending on the person but when you use the proper nutrition anything is possible!

You can have some of the same reults!! E-mail me at johnegabel@gmail.com  with your contact information and we discuss setting up time to talk about your goals and dreams for a healthy lifestyle.

You can check out my website at http://herbal-nutrition.net/Jgabel. Order some products and know that I will be threre to walk you through it all the way!!

Stay tuned!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Lose Big Online Weight Loss Challenge

Hey, it’s been awhile since my last entry but here is a little update to what has been going on in my life.

I have lost 30 LBS and at least 9.5 inches or maybe a little more since my last weighing in and measurement. I am happy with the results but I have still have at least 70 LBS to lose. I will get there in time.

How are you doing with your New Years Resolutions?  Have you given up already?

It is a day by day thing sometimes and you need to let yourself fall down but get right back up, wipe yourself, and start again.

The worst thing you can do is give up!! NEVER, EVER, GIVE UP!!!      

I told you that I would have announcement soon and here it is: I am starting an online weight loss challenge this Monday January 16, 2012. The class size is limited so if you are interested sign up today!

The cost will be $25.00 and run for 12 weeks. Some of the subjects that we will cover will be protein, water intake, exercise, snacking and much more.

I forgot to tell you that the top 3 people that have the most weight will split the pot of money. It will be 1st 50%, 2nd 30%, and 3rd 20%. That is the break down of how the money will be split.

If you are interested in joining us on this event e-mail me at johnegabel@gmail.com or call me at (916) 588-7648 and I will be glad to give you the details.
Spaces are limited so let me know ASAP!

Friday, January 6, 2012

I joined a weight loss challenge

Yesterday, I started a weight loss Challenge here where I live in the Sacramento area. It will be exciting to see how much of a difference it will be in my weight loss. Having a group you can go to and share ideas, learn new things and someone to be accountable to is great asset to have. It could make the difference between losing or gaining weight.

How did you do over the holidays as far as your weight loss?

I did ok. I was involved in a weight loss challenge over the month of December and I lost 5.6 LBS!! I think that is so cool!! Most people gained weight but I lost weight!! I found out that I did not win the challenge but I was close but yet so far.

Depending on yourself for motivation usually not a good idea because it backfires on most of us and I think we all use some extra help form time to time.

Why you ask, because we lie to ourselves and sometimes to others because we don’t want others to know what is really going on our lives. I have been guilty just as much as anyone else that’s why I joined this weight loss challenge.

It can make it fun, easier to lose weight when you can share your ups and downs with others who are going through the same weight struggles as you are going dealing with.

In the next few weeks I will be sharing how the weight loss challenge is going for me.

I have something really exciting I will be announcing in the coming weeks so stay tuned !

If you have questions about the blog or want more information on Herbalife Please e-mail me at Johnegabel@gmail.com and I will be glad to set up a time to talk to you or help you anyway that I can!
One of the best ways to check out these products is to go to my website at http://herbal-nutrition.net/Jgabel and order some to try. I know that you will like them because they are good quality and full of nutrition.  You will have more energy and feel great!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Years Resolutions

I told you in the last entry that I would talk about New Years resolutions. According to About.com Pittsburgh the top ten for 2012 is:

1. Spend more time with family and friends.
2. Fit in Fitness
3. Tame the bulge
4. Quit smoking
5. Enjoy life more
6. Quit drinking
7. Get out of debt
8. Learn something new
9. Help others
10. Get organized

Do you notice what 2 and 3 are. They both deal with weight loss and getting into shape. That seems to be the trend every year but how many people actually stick with it over the long haul. I am talking more than say 2 weeks. That percentage is very small.

Most of these if not all Herbalife can help you with if you want to lose weight, tame the battle of the bulge, spend more time with family and friends with the flexibility of this wonderful business opportunity and even help others do the same.

They say that opportunity only knocks once at your door. Don’t let this one slip through your fingers.

We all want to be better keeping promises to ourselves but 9 times out of 10 we just don’t do it.

You owe to yourself to feel better and get started in the New Year healthy with better nutrition, more self confidence and a clear state of mind.

Check out my website at http://herbal-nutrition.net/Jgabel or you can e-mail me johnegabel@gmail.com and I would be glad set up a time to speak with you.

Happy New Year!! I hope that 2012 is all that you want it to be!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's been awhile since my last post but I wanted to give you an update on my progress.

I have lost as of my last weigh in 26.8 LBS and I could not be happier about it. I have been on the Herbalife plan about 8.5 weeks. My avg weight loss is around 3-4 LBS a week which is good consistent weight loss.

Trying to find the right avenue for you is vital in order to be successful in the weight loss. That might be Herbalife or something else but the bottom line is to do something.

Try to eat healthy and to get at least of 30 minutes of exercise 3 or more days a week and you will have a good head start in the game of losing weight.

I know that it is tempting but never give up on your weight loss goals if it is not working for you change it but never, ever give up!! You are worth it!!!! You can do it!!!!!

I wish everyone a happy and safe New Year!

I am going to try to give you better information in the coming year.

Check out my website to try some of these great products that I am talking about.

My website is http://www.shopherbalife.com/johng check it out.

I am going to talk about New Years Resolutions in my next entry.

Can you guess what the number 1 Resolution is almost every year?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I have not posted anything in about a month so let me catch you update to what's been going on.

First, of all I have lost as of my last weigh in 18.2 LBS. I think that is so cool. I am averaging about 3-4 LBS a week.
My exercise has not improved and I know to be healthy I need to exercise along with diet in order for this to work efficiently. To be Blunt I am a little lazy and not always good at follow through but I am trying to improve.
I am going to be starting a weight loss challenge in January and I am hoping that will help me be accountable and be more consistent in my exercise regiment.

As far as to my diet or what I call my new lifestyle that part is going pretty good. Some of you that are new to reading my blog I am on Herbalife. I have been on it for around 7 weeks. I am on shake in the morning, a shake in the afternoon and a colorful dinner and a snack in between when needed.

On this program I have noticed more energy, my taste for fast food and even sweets have gone way down. I have noticed that before starting on the program that when my blood sugar would drop I would get dizzy and need to eat but now I don't have that anymore.

Now it is time that I say that Herbalife does not cure anything but when you give your body the proper nutrition it does incredible things.

I am excited about my results and I think that there is something for everyone in Herbalife and if you want to more about it e-mail me or check out my website and let me know what you think.